Home Tech Whole House Humidifier Installation: Interesting Information You Need To Know

Whole House Humidifier Installation: Interesting Information You Need To Know

whole house humidifier installation

It takes some technical skills and knowledge to operate a whole-house humidifier. However, the investment is well worthwhile: a humidifier may enhance your interior air quality and make you feel pretty comfortable throughout the cold, dry winter months. So, from ducting to plumbing fixtures to electricity, continue reading to know the essential elements of a flawless humidifier installation.

How to put a whole-house humidifier in place?

Put an end to compromising for dry air. Employ up an entire humidifier instead. It’s not as difficult as you may assume.

A whole-house humidifier will take care of your family against dry air. These systems are often connected to the main chimney of an ability to force furnace, where the unit takes its fresh water from a neighboring hot or cold plumbing system, and they are quite straightforward to install. Some humidifiers are positioned in return-air ducts to moisten the air before it is heated. Others use a bypassing duct to transport warm air through humidifiers and back into the house’s air supply.

Drilling a gap in the venting with templates given by the manufacturer is required for either system to be installed. Mark the pattern, cut a hole, and attach the humidifier will take roughly two hours. Make sure the furnace is turned off before you start.


First, let’s look at the ducting. Mount the device on the back and then connect it to the supply.

  • First and foremost, you must drill a hole in the back. This is where the humidifier will be installed.
  • You can now place the device in the hole. Here are a few pointers: a) Keep it level so that the water runs down the sewer even while not the sides; b) use foam backing around the hole’s edges to maintain it airtight.
  • It’s necessary to leave the ductwork first from the humidifier to the power grid now that the unit is mounted.

Lines of water

  • You’re prepared to act on the water’s surface once ductwork is completed and linked.
  • To avoid any spillage, switch off the water and remove the tension from the lines.
  • The humidifier must then be connected to a supply route. On the other hand, the approach is dependent on the sort of pipe you’re dealing with. The item in our film example comes with a “saddle valve,” but it will only function on copper pipes. Saddle valves will not work if your house has PEX tubing since it will cause leaks.
  • Attach the water connection of the humidifier to the apartment’s hot water supply. Because the humidifier works best with heated water, avoid cold water.
  • Now that you’ve linked your supply line, it’s an opportunity to introduce the drain. The drain will be connected to the heater condensation pump to remove excess water.


You’re now ready to move on to the electrical. The circuit is quite basic, and indeed the humidifier should also include a transformer.

  • You connect the high voltage from the control board to the Electronic Air Cleaner in our example. When the blower turns on, it will activate our humidifier. You power the control valve with the thermostat after connecting the voltage output.
  • A word on the electric wires: it’s not difficult, but it can be frustrating. For assistance, consult the instruction book. You’ll find some helpful diagrams for completing this section of the challenge.
  • Attach the humidistat now, if needed. The home’s thermostat, in our case, always could manage humidity. If the thermostat isn’t capable of doing so, you’ll need to attach the humidistat that comes with it. The wiring should be explained in detail in the instruction book.
  • The transformer must be connected to a 120-volt power supply, and the digital humidistat operator’s wires must be connected to the heater. Except for the green line, which regulates the fan, all thermostatic connections will remain the same. It’s a smart option to install an external temperature monitor if the humidifier kit includes one: it will help adjust humidity more precisely.

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How much does adding a whole-house humidifier cost?

Depending on the home’s size, kind, and HVAC system, installing a whole-house humidifier might cost anywhere between $400 and $1,200. For drum and flow-through units, a furnace humidifier costs $100 to $500, or $300 to $1,300 for steam. Installing a humidifier adds $100 to $900 in labor costs.

Whole house humidifier installation

The Hole Should Be Marked

Label the humidifier hole with a starting feeling marker, following the manufacturer’s pattern and instructions. Drill a beginning hole in a vertex of the design, then use aviation snips to cut out the hole. Drill screw holes in the mounting plate and fasten it to the wall with structural steel screws.

Make a Humidistat Outline

The humidistat should be placed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Make a mark on the unit’s perimeter and cut out all the holes.

Humidistat should be installed

Attach the humidistat to the mounting plate and the unit. Follow the directions to connect the humidistat to the thermostat controls. If the device requires a step-down transformer and the wiring has not yet been completed, turn off the electricity, install the converter, and connect the humidistat.

Humidifier should be connected

Attach the lines from the humidistat to the humidifier’s pressure regulator using the completely accurate wire nuts. Tighten the nuts when they’re snug and feed the wire end into the nuts (don’t crimp the wire ends).

To Humidifier, run a Line.

Place a saddle lock on a water’s surface. If local codes allow, a heated water boundary connects a line towards the humidifier, securing it with the compressive fitting. Turn off the water, cut that water leakage, and attach a T-fitting if saddle valves are not permitted.

Install a Vent Bypass (Optional)

Just use a template to draw the opening for the 6-inch bypassing pipe if your humidifier demands one. Drill a starting hole and use aircraft snips to cut the vent hole. In the spot, place a round collar and secure this with metal sheet screws. Trim the vent tube to length depending on the distance between both the humidifier air input and the collar. Attach the component to the collars and humidifier intake manifold using elbows on both sides of the vent pipe.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much would a whole-house humidifier cost to implement?

In general, you should anticipate paying approximately $395 and $734 for maintenance by a reputable humidifier specialist. It might cost the same or more than $1,000 in some cases. One whole humidifier typically costs between $100 to $300. However, high-end ones might cost over $1,000.

  • Is it difficult to set up a whole-house humidifier?

These systems are often connected to the main chimney of a compelled furnace, in which the unit takes its waters from a neighboring hot or too cold water pipe, and they are quite straightforward to install.